Monday, September 24, 2012
September Sailing...ugh...
This morning I updated a sailing story from last year called 'Sailing in a Furious Rainstorm'. It was fun to read again! Here's an excerpt:
“What are you doing going out in this? I’m freezing!” A man cried out to me from a racing sailboat passing by. I didn't realize sailing in rain and bad weather was part of the sport! I just smiled and waved back. I wanted to say how warm I was with three jackets on, two hats and a scarf and gloves. But I didn’t..."
This weekend I went on three consecutive sails, three days in a row. The first sail was at night, and was really exciting except it got into the scary too as a huge barge nearly ran into us! The second sail was an evening sail and the sunset was absolutely gorgeous! The third sail was an afternoon sail and the wind across the boat cooled us off from the scorching sun. I must add, I am beginning to put September sailing into my 'not favorite month to sail in' month as its really hot and feels like summer still, but has none of the advantages of it. The sun sets sooner thus making the wind die sooner and even so far the wind has been weak every day I've been out making me think that the September weather combination is not very effective for great sailing. So there you have it - my take on that! Lol!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
What does Online Traffic &`Hiking Have to Do With Each Other?
Cool picture of a hike in Maine. Looks like an exciting hike!
I'm so excited! I made 300 hits on my website yesterday. Its my first breakthrough past 250 views. I sent out 142,882 emails yesterday and 152,295 on Monday. I'm 'hiking' up the online 'traffic mountain'! Starting out on the trail at one and two hits, it took me six months to understand how to get to 16. From there it went to 32 to 116 and then 156. I might add that I got 1600 hits one time when I paid $25 for a one time ad campaign. But I definitely don't have $25 to give out every day unless I'm making more than $25 from all the hits.
So learning to make traffic without having to pay through the nose is the road I'm on unless persuaded differently. Every hiking journey begins at the beginning, gets hot and tiring as you go along but eventually, after many breaks along the way, you get your walking legs and can carry on all day till you get to the top.
PS: Thanks for your comments!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Want to live here?! Haha!
Good morning!
Such a beautiful day. A time to remember how much God loves us and is helping us. Sometimes life gets really difficult and its hard to believe this. That's where real faith comes in. Learning how to trust God and depend on His help after doing all you can with our limited resources.
I'm excited to share with you that yesterday I climbed the marketing ladder a little higher, so to speak, and was able to build up more online traffic to my site. I sent out over 200,000 business emails! I've gone from 60,000 to 100,000 and now finally to 200k! From that I had 148 views of my website and two logins and free signups. So I keep pushing on knowing that the more advertising, the higher the ratio will get! Building a home based business is something you have to keep pushing on every day, a little more here and a little more there till you've built it up.
Here's a stock quote for you that my friend Troy gave me:
"People make financial mistakes because of two reasons: FEAR and GREAD." To see more stock info. feel free to check out our stock blog at
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Surfing the Waves!

I'm out sailing on the sea tonight about a half mile from shore. The boat is surfing the waves as I come back in toward land. The feeling is incredible - how to explain it?! The following waves behind the boat rise slowly and gain size as they approach. The wave lifts the boat up and we are atop them. As its power surges below the boat, suddenly white water shoots out from under the bow and we are surfing the wave! My hand is on the tiller and the boat is very reactive to the slightest move.
The wind has shifted to the south and now I can balance the boat and sails on a close reach. So I head off to the bow to get a feeling for the waves up there. The waves seem bigger up here - though in comparison to real waves in a gale, they are small. Still, I feel amazed. Suddenly the wave overcomes the self steering and the boat begins to turn fast - all in the wrong direction! The boat turns broadside to the waves and now if I were in storm size waves, I would be in serious trouble! But in actuality, everything will be okay. Jumping down into the cockpit from the cabin top, I steer the boat out of danger and back on course.
Sunset is incredible - or should I say afterglow. The whole horizon above the blue ocean is full on orange silhouetted by the dark Malibu mountains in the distance. What a night!
Friday, September 14, 2012
If Your Not Advertising to Make Money Online - What Are You Doing?!

Beautiful Snowy day pic huh!
Oh my Gosh! I just got a real wake up call this morning on the World Profit Training Call! George Kosh (online millionaire) basically said if you're not advertising, advertising, and more advertising and sending people to your capture page, you won't make money and will fail. I'm SO EXCITED because for the first time I got 200 hits to my webpage yesterday through advertising through Safe Lists and got one new associate! Its just been about advertising, like George said!
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good afternoon! Well since yesterday I have some exciting news. I have just been able to achieve 96 new people clicking on my website (up from 30 and then 50 recently). To increase my volume of people, I have been joining advertising safelist sites and using the free offers to send out ads. Because of my silver membership with World Profit, I have also tons of additional free bonus points on most of these too. I have to say, World Profit opens the doors to every kind of affiliate marketing you want to know about and join. It also gives you all the links plus free memberships in many of them and the training and even has set up all the advertising links for you. For example, I just got my imacro twitter account running and can now semi-automatically send out tons of Twitters that promote Click Bank products every day! Thats just one system. I haven't even got into Facebook, Amazon, 60 or so other affiliate products, SEO and our websites, blogsites, Newsletter marketing, and probably over 70 -100 pre-made business already made you can set up and sell!
In Proverbs it says the wise woman "...considers a field and buys it." Proverbs 31:16 This verse encouraged me. I've been looking at so many business the last few months and have looked into them and 'kicked the tires', so to speak. Many online business are just out to try and gouge you for money with little return. But the three business I have mentioned above have been way above the others and are motivated to help others and give more than they get from you. I got my first paycheck from the Daily Income Network, the knowledge of where to go next with the Millionaire Society and with World Profit, I have felt the most return and I know they mean business to help you make income - just from starting out money to being wealthy.
In the stock world, my friend Bryan "just sold a truckload of (stock) ZAGG purchased on 8/29/12 for 7.60 a share for 8.75...a 15% gain in two weeks." Great Work Bryan. I'm watching BIDU right now which is another stock we're both interested in.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So, okay, I have to correct an error...I thought I had 200 clicks on my website yesterday, but come to find out they were the multitude of clicks on my website BY about 25 people! Still, 25 people to my website is a HUGE improvement over 2-3! Still, I now I have my new job ahead of me to submit to more free Safe List sites and create more traffic. You can get free credits just for joining these sites and put up your ads and get real traffic. If you would like to know a list of sites to join, email me at or leave me a message here.
So I'm excited I made $700 online in August. If I can do that as a starter, I can do better with more knowledge and practice! Come see some of the sites I've made money at or have learned how to make money with @
"A Day in the Life of An Affiliate Marketer"

I'm excited this morning! I just added 878 Articles to my blog!! They are all free to download when you become a silver member of World Profit. One of the reasons I'm so excited is because all these articles help your blogs SEO tremendously. Its like giving your blog a rocket booster! And that's not all. Yesterday I was able to register all my websites and blogs to 3000 important worldwide registries recognized by Google. I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. Its taken me a year to get an understanding of how to make a living online.
A Day In The Life Of An Affiliate Marketer "In the process of doing all the necessities, the marketer is logged on to a chat room where he or she interacts with other affiliates and those under that same program. This is where they can discuss things on how to best promote their products.
There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process. Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support. There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead..."
By Jeffrey Lant CEO of World
In my stock world, I've sold out of my long time holdings of SYK and TNDM and am now considering buying BIDU (the google of China). BIDU has doubled its EPS four times in the last ten years. So I'm impressed with its financial numbers. Bidu is way below its half price tag of $286. I would give BIDU a sticker price of $573. So to buy it now at 107.35 seems like an incredible deal. It also has an incredible Net income of almost half of what it makes! Amazing. You can read more about my thoughts on the stock market
I can't forget to share my sailing thoughts. This is from my latest true story called Catalina Gale, Part VI: Nightmare at Sea:
"I climbed out into the cockpit again, just in time to see some huge following seas pushing us towards shore. We were virtually leapfrogging towards the rocks. Just on the other side of the rocks was the safety of the Harbor we were so earnestly longing for. But we were not safe yet by any means. We were surfing so quickly down the front of each wave that we would have to time the entrance like clockwork..."
This verse stood out to me today and gave me encouragement. I feel like God is in control of all the things that seem like I have little control over:
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sailing Thru Life...

On Friday evening I made a breakthrough in my internet marketing an had OVER 200 clicks viewing my website! I'm so grateful to World Profit.for giving me the direction I needed. I realized that this August I made close to $310 online - $700 if you count stuff sold on Craigslist. Hey - its a start! I remember making $20 after six months of playing with the internet!
Isn't this the coolest sailboat picture?! I love double masted sailboats with gaff rigging! I took this picture while out sailing in the sunset one evening as the boat passed by mine. :)
For TONS of true sailing stories, feel free to visit my website: !!!!
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again. Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything!..." Interesting how God not only does NOT want us to worry but wants us to go FIVE STEPS AHEAD and rejoice too! Wow! I certainly needed to hear THAT! Thank You God.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Sunset at Sea!

Its Sunday morning. I'm lying down in my boat at the dock with the hatch open and the early rising sun is coming up over the horizon. Its a nice warm morning and I don't mind the hatch door being wide open! I'm thinking about yesterday, when I took a group of five photographers out on the ocean to take pictures! That was fun! We had a nice time and got to see the sun set right over the ocean. It was amazing! When your out on the big ocean and get to see the burning orange and red sun 'fall' below the deep blue sea - it takes your breath away!
Friday, September 7, 2012
LIVE NOW!!! Lol!!!

Hey! This morning I'm on a live site with REAL people you can SEE in their HOMES right now working online full time! Come check it out at Oh, and here's a pic of Buttercup LIVE! haha!
My Stock News: Yesterday, I found out about a company named BIDU. Today, I found out they are the Chinese equivalent of 'google'. They also have amazing net profits. they have declined a significant amount as you can see, if you look at the monthly chart. Tomorrow I will inspect there ten year history.
Great verse for today: "present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Have a day without worry (I'm speaking to myself too!)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Three Things This Morning!

Goodmorning everyone! Time to start a new day here in Southern California. Okay, threee things:
1) Thankful to God to wake up this morning to such a beautiful sunny day. Great verse: "Who redeems your life from the pit, and crowns you with love and compassion." Psalm 103:34
2) Got to check out the stock BIDU today. My investment partner Bryan Davis gave me the heads up about them this morning, so I need to do my due diligence and look into there ten year financials and see if its indeed worth investing in.
3) I'm very excited about everything I'm learning in the Worldprofit business. In case you haven't seen it just go to and click one of the things they offer you for free. It will take you to there website.
One of the things I've found out is how they already have pre-written posts that they give you permission to use, with great key words already added. So all you have to do is to cut and paste them onto your blog or forum. Then all you have to do is to insert some products into the post by using ClickBank. Man, that's amazing! Besides this there are literally hundreds of things to learn for free at World Profit. You've GOT to check them out!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
My New Friends!

The other day, I met a lady name Serina Sophia. She made $5000 marketing online this last June. Somehow we became friends on and she gave me a lot of helpful advice. I was curious to see her website and so went to take a look. After viewing it, I was so inspired by it, I joined three quarters of her business as an affiliate and decided to make a blog that I could share daily whatever was on my mind and still show off the business that have given back to me more than what I have given them. If you haven't seen her blog, I would HIGHLY encourage you to look at it at It was in the process of looking through her business, that I came across the business called World Profit. When I got started with them (making my stream of income bigger), I found my new sponsor, Garry. Its a little difficult to explain here but I believe God spoke to me through his association. Thank you God! It was like finding a double dose of treasure!
Three Business That Make a Difference

Daily Income Network: This business was my first experience with actually making money online. Since this time, I have been able to earn additional income from Craigslist and Facebook. In my excitement, I told my friends about it and they signed up too! Lol! I have to say, it is truly worth it. We have an awesome team that supports each other and the marketing skills have helped me form the foundation of all I know and do with my other business.
Millionaire Society: This business has been a real experience in knowledge. They have an incredible amount of information and access to creating 150 business websites that can create tremendous wealth in your life. Just the association is worth everything.
World Profits: This business has got to be the most outstanding business I have ever seen! If I tell you upfront what they have, I will blow one of the biggest SURPRISES you will ever encounter online! But since I must tell you something, it is of note that I found them in search of creating TRAFFIC to my websites. In the process, I found 100 times that!
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